The Power of the B.H.C. (Back Handed Compliment)

>> Monday, June 14, 2010


Gentlemen, another all so powerful tactic to add to your arsenal is the Back Handed Compliment.

Hit them with this, when they are not looking, when they least suspect it and you will be thrilled with the results. When you give women a traditional compliment, that boosts their self-esteem and gets them feeling good about themselves. Normally that's a good thing. If it's your wife, or you daughter compliment away (Ok, not too much. We don't want the wife getting too frisky either).
But if you are dating, use the BHC. This keeps them guessing, keeps them on their toes. It keeps women wondering things like:
  • Does he find me attractive?
  • What did he mean by that comment?
  • Do other people feel that way?
  • Will he ask me out again?

Those are the thoughts you want running around in her head; this is the point where she will began to do whatever she needs to do in order to feel desireable. You have her right where you want her, working to gain your approval.

The key to the back-handed compliment is to deliver it in such a way that it is not obvious of your intentions.

Here are three good examples:
TRADITIONAL #1: Wow your hair looks wonderful
BHC: Wow, your hair....that's different

TRADITIONAL #2: You are an extremely cool chick
BHC: It's refreshing to hang out with someone with a great personaility for once. I'm tired of these young chicks who are all looks, with no substance

TRADITIONAL #3: You look really nice this evening.
BHC: That outfit really has a slimming effect. Nice.

Men you are now armed with a little more knowledge to help you help yourself.

Please comment with any more BHC's you know or use. The more the merrier.
It's a war out there and we need to Take Back Our Balls.

This is your captain speaking
-Captain Jack
An FTB Bloggers Blog


FTB: The Company June 16, 2010 at 12:25 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous,  June 16, 2010 at 12:26 PM  

Dude you are killing me! This site is great. As comical as everything here is...there is a lot of truth, to it. Keep Going!

Unknown June 16, 2010 at 5:41 PM  

When the Captain Teaches I don't just listen, I take notes!

Anonymous,  June 17, 2010 at 9:47 AM  

ROFLMAO - Dude you are right, I don't have enough balls to say those things to my girlfriend!!

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