>> Monday, May 11, 2009
What is the title all about?
The fatter the knuckle the smaller the diamond is a phrase I heard three years ago from the great Tom Leykis. The comment was in reference to wealthy powerful men attracting a higher grade of woman.
After a few emails to the Captain, I have to address the title once again in detail.
It's almost self explanatory; it describes a man’s ability to be with a hot woman.
A man will marry the best looking girl he can afford. Period. As we mature a man is rated by women on how much he earns, how much power he has or acts like he has (his swagger) and how famous he is. Looks play a part but for the man, a relatively small part. That is how a man like SEAL can marry a woman like Heidi Klum.
That's why High School quarter backs bang the hot chicks. They have all the power and fame in high school. As we get older and these “jocks” become “janitors” their ability to bang hot chicks begins to deteriorate quickly.
Unless you end up knocking up a 9 or 10 in high school or college then you are with the best looking girl that your pockets can afford. If you are a wealthy man in your 30's when you decide to get married, you will no doubt have a hot bride. The term "Hot" typically refers to women who have beautiful faces and attractive figures. They are the ones that get the big diamonds. I understand that the term attractive figure is relative, so let’s clarify. Here on this blog we use the H-B Scale, otherwise referred to as the Halle-Beyonce meter. You can only qualify as a 9 or a 10 if your body is somewhere between Halle and Beyonce -and yes proportion counts.
Men, this should be an incentive for you to work harder, or lie about your incomes better. If you are stuck working at the Taco Bell register then you will be marrying a 4 or a 5....and they only get worse with age (with a few exceptions). Now things are clear....Taco Bell worker gets a 4 or 5. She's chunky and not as cute. Mr. Six Figgas gets the 9 or 10. Taco Bell worker gets a small diamond, Mr. Six Figgas gets a 3 month income sized rock for his bride to be.
Hence...the fatter the knuckle the smaller the diamond.
I didn't make the rules, I just play by them.
This is your captain speaking
Men...let's take our balls back! (T.O.B.B.)
...and if you get dumped...here's a satisfying final word....DIRTYROTTENFLOWERS.COM...the antidote to Valentine's Day.
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