X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE M.M.R. (Man Movie Review) - From a non-comic expert
>> Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wolverine will go down as one of 2009’s Man Movies!!
There was no sappy love thing going on, it was “Man Shags Chick” Period!– Yeah!
I am not going to get into the details of he story lines, or Hugh's acting ability in this review, I will leave that to the Pro's (links are below). I just want to talk about the enjoyment factor.
The movie’s opening sequence is nothing but a testosterone filled, supernatural, gruesome generation Y version of the Dirty Dozen. The movie closely follows the Wolverine story, the special affects are great and the action sequences are what movies are all about.
I’m so glad I didn’t waste time, or energy watching the heavily rotated pirated copy. This was a man-fest that needed to be enjoyed with the full cinematic experience.
What does Wolverine do for a living – Lumberjack! It doesn’t get any more testosterone fueled then that. He drives pick up truck, rides a vintage motorcycles, bangs a hot chick, and rips people apart with his bare hands (claws).
Appropriately Hugh Jackman slashed Mathew McConaughey at the box office.
If you went to see Ghost of Girlfriend’s past this weekend with your girlfriend, wife or significant other you should be banned from this blog….but then again, that’s why we are here.
To help you get back your balls!
This is your captain speaking
I’m so glad I didn’t waste time, or energy watching the heavily rotated pirated copy. This was a man-fest that needed to be enjoyed with the full cinematic experience.
What does Wolverine do for a living – Lumberjack! It doesn’t get any more testosterone fueled then that. He drives pick up truck, rides a vintage motorcycles, bangs a hot chick, and rips people apart with his bare hands (claws).
Appropriately Hugh Jackman slashed Mathew McConaughey at the box office.
If you went to see Ghost of Girlfriend’s past this weekend with your girlfriend, wife or significant other you should be banned from this blog….but then again, that’s why we are here.
To help you get back your balls!
This is your captain speaking

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