MAN'S REVIEW: Men of a Certain Age
>> Sunday, February 14, 2010

Initially you think the characters are staged, like a cheap soon to be defunct network comedy with flimsy characters each representing a particular lifestyle with the token black guy thrown in there for good measure. What becomes immediately apparent is that... it doesn't feel like a network comedy or drama. It feels like a mini movie ala The Sopranos, or The Wire. The acting, story lines and the development of the characters begin to draw you in immediately.
As the characters themselves go: One’s divorced, one’s a family man, and one is a swinging bachelor. Rather then portray all the women as hot, and the men as dopes, the wives and ex-wives are played by cute girl next door types. Everyone is very believable in their roles.
That is the charm of the show - it's very believable, so much so that every guy can relate. (There's even a touch of profanity - Thanks God for cable TV).

The character of Owen played by actor Andre Braugher (famous for his role as Det. Pembleton in Homicide) works for his over achieving father, he battles his weight, and he’s trying to raise two young boys and maintain a what appears to be a "happy marriage".
Joe played by Ray Romano, is a dollar store/party store owner, divorced, with a daughter of dating age (one episode he finds out her boyfriend calls her a slut), and he’s starting to date again as well. He just missed being on the Pro-golf tour and is thinking about going on the senior tour. He has a gambling habit, a bookie and a father in a nursing home. As men we either are this guy, or know this guy.

Then there’s the irresponsible bachelor Terry played by Scott Bakula (from the old school show "Quantum Leap"); he's not sure about his career, not sure about his life. He’s dating a 25 year old. He’s a not so pretty, pretty boy. He gets the girls more with self confidence then looks. As the season progress you see Terry's confidence fade as you learn the real person behind the hyped up out of work actor his character becomes.
This show is appealing because of its grit and realness. They use profanity, because that’s how we talk in real life. None of the leading men have Hollywood good looks and everything doesn’t always work out in the end.
All in all very well done with just a touch of style and CRASS! Grab a glass of wine, light that cigar and enjoy a mans show!

Click Photo for a Preview!
This is your captain speaking!!
Let’s Take Our Balls Back (T.O.B.B.)
-Captain Jack
This is your captain speaking!!
Let’s Take Our Balls Back (T.O.B.B.)
-Captain Jack
Great Review!! The season finale just played Monday Rocked!!!
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