How much do I spend on a first Date?
>> Friday, January 1, 2010
Tom Leykis used to put this amount at $40.00. I used to disagree with this rule, but now that we are admidst a recession, I think $40.00 is more then enough.
Women want to be around money and power, that doesn't mean you have to spend money "on them". If you act
powerful and important they will be attracted to you. Period.
On a hotness scale from 1-10; if you are dating a 3 or 4 and take her to Applebees she's happy; if you are dating a 10 and take her to Applebees she begans to feel insecure. She will began to wonder why you are at Applebees or Chile's instead of Andiamo's or some other super fancy restaurant. She's thinking, "Obviously he's used to the finer things, am I not hot enough for Andiamo's? Does he not want to show me off?". This will make her work harder and want you more. Remember the hotter the chick the more insecure she is.

A more important reason to keep it cheap is to level set the long term expectations. If you start at Andiamo's there is no where to go but down. That's setting the bar way too high!!
I think the "Applebees - Chile's" bar is just right. Then when you really want to get fancy you hit PF Chang's.
Now that we are in a recession you can lower the bar further; maybe hit a few diners during your first few dates and make Applebee's your special occasion. Now we're talking.

We are men in the US. Women fall for us because we are funny, powerful, and in control. Where else can James Gandolphini be considered sexy? Any "two pump chump" can
buy an expensive dinner but only a real man can charm the panies off a girl for $40 or less.
What do you think?
Let's T.O.B.B.
(Take our balls back)

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