>> Sunday, April 19, 2009
Mel Gibson has to reportedly relinquish half of his 640 million dollar empire to his ex-wife. OUCH! Who is Robyn Moore you ask? Exactly. She should be lucky enough that she had the pleasure of being Mel Gibson's wife for 28 years. Traveling the world, eating at the best restaurants, going to the best parties, driving the best cars. Do you think she would have been able to earn even 1 million on her own? Slim chance. She was a dental nurse!!
A stand up woman would take 10 million and walk away. The problem is that woman are "stand up" only when they are at the alter. No I’m not talking about 100% of women, I’m talking about the majority.
There is no benefit to a man to get married. Period! That's a fact. Not a thought, not an opinion, but a fact. all of the perceived benefits of marriage a man can get from a girlfriend, a bootycall, or a "friend with benefits". Then when she is acting up, you move on to the next. Without getting married you can do this without giving away Half your stuff.
Men, we are out here losing our jobs, taking pay cuts and scrambling to survive, while ex-wives are still collecting child support & alimony. You are driving a God-d%$n Ford focus, sleeping on a futon while she's got your house, your dog and your kids living the good life.
That's how it goes fellas. That marriage license is a license for the woman to act like a damn fool, and you can’t do anything about it otherwise your life gets divided in half.
Yes there’s benefits to the woman, yes there’s benefits to the kids but there are no benefits to the modern man. It’s sad but true. If you want to have kids I have on word for you: PRE-NUP!
How bad is Mel getting hit? It’s blows away the top 10 list of most expensive divorces. A matter a fact, if you add up numbers 4 thru 10 it equals about how much Robyn is getting.
2. Michael and Juanita Jordan - $150 million
3. Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving - $100 million4. Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison - $85 million
5. Kevin Costner and Cindy Silva - $80 million
6. Paul McCartney and Heather Mills - $60 million7. James Cameron and Linda Hamilton - $50 million8. Michael and Diandra Douglas - $45 million
9. Lionel and Diane Richie - $20 million
10. Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall - $15 million
I know it's hard to feel sorry for a guy who has $340 million and a hot piece of young Russian A$$.
- This is your Captain speaking

Babes, I read your page and it could go both ways. Woman could say the same things about men. " Men, we are out here losing our jobs, taking pay cuts and scrambling to survive, while ex-wives are still collecting child support & alimony" I'm not a big fan of alimony, but child support is a given. I am a single mom with 2 kids, 2 baby daddys, receiving support from 1 father, and I'm unemployed at the moment. I am not a bitter woman and I do not hate men. I believe part of the problem is the American society and the American culture. I will never get married again on paper and let the government control me. I purchased a home years before I was married and sold it years after I got separated. I was told that my ex is entitled to my profit from the house and had to get a written statement from him declining his right. wtf? I paid mortgage on it for 14 years he lived with me for 1 1/2 yrs. f **k alimony. child support is a must. Men and woman that rely on their spouses and can't hold their own shouldn't get married.
I feel you completely. It looks like in your relationships you were the man; that's why you got screwed. You are a rare woman; and it's very rarely that a woman gets screwed. I agree that there is no excuse and child support should be paid, and when it's not paid men should be prosecuted as they are. If you were married to a 6-figure dude then your attitude might be a little different. It looks like we are in agreement on the marriage thing.
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