What women can learn from Tiger and Jesse!

>> Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First of all, I love the fact that Jesse is out there bangin other chicks. Why? Simply because we are starting to see that Tiger is not such a monster. He’s human and he’s hard wired like a guy. Period. …And any guy who says they can’t understand what both of those guys have done or are doing, needs to hand their balls in and not read any further. Not saying that you would do it, or think it’s right, or morally correct, but you can understand.

This is a free lesson for all Women. Please take away 3 important things from Sandra Bullock’s and Elin Nordegren’s experience.


Staying faithful is a conscience decision that a man has to make often. It’s not attached to his heart, his feelings or his loyalty to his wife and children. The more money your man makes, the older and better in shape he is, the more often he has to make that decision to stay faithful. (That’s right, even young chicks love an older guy in great shape). It’s life.
For example: If he’s a beer belly janitor, then the decision not to cheat needs to be made
 maybe once or twice a year, if he is 40, making six figures and has a 34 inch waist, he is probably making that decision twice per month. If he is a superstar athlete, he is making it 100 times per day!! It is your job, as wives, to make that decision not to cheat an easy one…and not because your husband will lose half of everything he has, but because he will lose you!! Because you are the woman that he wants to be with.

For guys, sex is different, it’s not all physical but mostly, and it’s a freakin’ mental vacation. When a guy cheats, he’s not ready to leave, he still loves his wife and family; he just needs a break. It’s a vacation from expectations. With his “side girl” he’s not expected to bring home a check, mow the lawn, take out the garbage, figure out how to put on a new roof or fund his kids college education. No expectation means no disappointments, for a guy, that's instant wood.
 The secret here is that disappointment ties directly with a mans ego and a man is 90% ego. A guy never wants to disappoint, and for most women, they are disappointed regularly and don’t have any problem expressing their disappointment. If you express this disappointment enough times, in enough ways, then the guy will just totally stop trying NOT to be a disappointment. You’ve showed him that no matter how hard he tries, you will never be happy so Why Try?

The flip side of that; when you are cheating and you show up late, it’s not a disappointment; it’s a treat that you showed up at all. Your “side girl” is just happy you made it. You don’t have to spend holidays with them because you have a solid excuse, “Your Family”. If you say, “I’ll try to make it” that’s good enough. The side girl is getting seconds so it’s hard to disappoint her. Do you have any idea how attractive that is for a man? No matter what I do, it will make this girl satisfied and happy. How physically attractive your wife is, or how unattractive your side girl is, doesn’t play any part of the equation. She is your side girl, who cares if she’s a but-her-face. For guys, there’s no bad pizza! Even Halle and Beyonce can be cheated on.

3. VERY LITTLE A WOMAN CAN DO, BUT THAT LITTLE NEEDS TO BE DONE.A man needs to feel like a man and not a child. He needs to feel like he is getting the job done. That’s really it. But that “it” is crucial. If you can’t take care of this part of your man, then there are a few results.

A. He will bang other chicks if he can get other chicks,

B. He will be unhappy and miserable and fall into a pot-belly version of Al Bundy-ville, or

C. If he makes enough, he will have a pre-nup and drop your as$$ and get a trophy wife.

The better your man is, the easier you can be replaced. Period. This is a man’s world and he can always get younger hotter. He can get a good cook, he can get a nurturing mother type, and the closer the women are to their expiration dates, the more THEY are willing to settle. …and for those women out of shape; you tend to be the unhappiest because your unhappiness with yourself is often blamed on your significant other and emitted into the relationship as disappointment. If you are not satisfied with your man, you can leave, or encourage him, not get pissed off and throw tantrums.

So, Tiger is not such and animal (no pun intended), he just has more ego and monetary means then the rest of us. To be a hero to millions of people and come home and disappoint your wife has to be the most frustrating thing ever. Imagine you are on the verge of being the greatest golfer that ever lived, voted athlete of the decade, brought home over a billion dollars, and your wife is disappointed that you aren’t showing her enough attention, or disappointed because you have to practice this weekend or some other crap excuse she uses to pout and get attention. Every time you turn around Elin is pissed off about something. Publicly you are a national hero, but privately you are a zero; you can’t keep your spoiled wife happy for longer then an hour. This sucks because you love her and want nothing else but for her to be happy and no matter what you do she can’t be and refuses to be happy. So in order to get that personal happiness, you bang other chicks. And to keep that high, you bang chicks everywhere. If you had only one chick, then she would get spoiled and start playing the disappointed game so you make them all second class by having one in every area you frequent. That’s how we get our beloved Tiger Woods.

Not an animal, not a vindictive cheating scumbag, just a regular guy with an immense amount of self pressure looking to get a vacation from expectations.

Now he’s back and the only thing I’m expecting from him, is to win a couple of majors. That’s it, nothing too big.

This is your Captain Speaking and we still love Tiger.
Let’s Take Our Balls Back (T.O.B.B)
-An FTB Blogger Company Blog!


Thought Bubble Ten April 16, 2010 at 8:52 PM  

Hi! I'm a real woman who read your post with such interest, I knew I was going to have to leave a comment :)

I think you're right about so many things relating to why men have sex outside their marriage.

What I would question, though, is whether they really do love their wives. For that matter, I would question whether most people really do know what 'love' is and whether they actually do 'love'.

In saying this, I'm not saying that if a man truly loves his wife, he'd never stray. Rather, what I'd like to suggest is that our capacity and desire to love is really limitless and to restrict it to one person is neither natural nor easy.

I think we need to be really honest about what we want and what we're prepared to give in a partnership. Indeed, I think we need to examine what we truly believe about marriage and expect from it.

Marriage is a system for securing mutual interests (emotional, financial, familial etc). When 'love' is used as a legitimate and public reason for formalizing that system, it results in the kind of disappointment, confusion, frustration and 'betrayal' that many marriage partners experience.

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